Rutland County Audubon concluded 2024 with the annual Solstice Bird Count (formerly known as the Christmas Bird Count) on December 28. This was the 125th anniversary of the National Audubon count and Rutland’s 51st count. Twenty-seven observers scoured the count circle while six folks observed feeders at home. The results: 54 species plus one count week bird (count week = three days prior and the three days following count day).
Carolina Wren. Photo by Roy Pilcher.
Several highlights include two Merlins chasing each other and marking the first time we’ve reported more than one of this species on any count. A Wilson’s Snipe was seen along Otter Creek. This was the 23rd year it was reported on the Rutland count!
High counts for the year included American Robin at an astounding 1,532!
American Robin. Photo by Sue Elliott.
Evening Grosbeaks were observed this year after an absence last year with six reported in the field and one at a feeder.
Six Savannah Sparrows were observed in almost the same spot the species was seen 2023. This was a new high count for this species. Winter Wren also broke our record with four observed. And a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker made its fifth appearance in our count history.
A count week Belted Kingfisher was the final bird of the 2024 Solstice Bird Count.
Species Count (*new high count):
Canada Goose, 414
Wood Duck, 1
Mallard, 67
American Black Duck, 13
Green-winged Teal, 2*
Hooded Merganser, 1
Common Merganser, 3
Wild Turkey, 280
Rock Pigeon, 527
Mourning Dove, 329
Wilson’s Snipe, 1
Great Blue Heron, 2
Sharp-shinned Hawk, 2
Cooper’s Hawk, 8*
Bald Eagle, 2
Red-tailed Hawk, 23
Barred Owl, 4
Belted Kingfisher (count week), 1
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker, 25*
Downy Woodpecker, 59
Hairy Woodpecker, 35
Pileated Woodpecker, 11
Northern Flicker, 5
American Kestrel, 1
Merlin, 2*
Peregrine Falcon, 1
Blue Jay, 271
American Crow, 528
Common Raven, 16
Black-capped Chickadee, 490
Tufted Titmouse, 143
Golden-crowned Kinglet, 3
White-breasted Nuthatch, 92
Red-breasted Nuthatch, 4
Brown Creeper, 4
Winter Wren, 4*
Carolina Wren, 23
European Starling, 1025
Eastern Bluebird, 49
American Robin, 1532*
Cedar Waxwing, 40
House Sparrow, 219
Evening Grosbeak, 7
House Finch, 67
Purple Finch, 2
American Goldfinch, 252
Snow Bunting, 60
American Tree Sparrow, 114
Dark-eyed Junco, 424
White-throated Sparrow, 19
Savannah Sparrow 6*
Song Sparrow, 4
Red-winged Blackbird, 10
Northern Cardinal, 160