Five intrepid birders set out to monitor the birds at West Rutland Marsh on January 23. Despite the 15-degree weather (fortunately no wind), we managed to tally 22 species.
Most of the ‘usual suspects’ were noted with a relatively high count of four Hairy Woodpeckers. Two White-throated Sparrows were spotted at the feeders at the Marble Street boardwalk along with an American Tree Sparrow.
A Ruffed Grouse was flushed along Marble Street as we walked by. A Brown Creeper was seen not far from the intersection of Marble and Pleasant streets. Eleven American Robins were also spotted, a few feeding in the trees and others in flight.
The Whipple Hollow Trail was beautiful in the snow. Although relatively quiet with six species, we did manage to add a Red-breasted Nuthatch to the list. The second Red-tailed Hawk of the day was spotted as we entered the parking area to the trail.
A complete list of the day’s species can be found here:
Our next marsh walk is scheduled for Saturday, February 15, meeting at 8 a.m. at the Marble Street boardwalk. That walk will be held in conjunction with the Great Backyard Bird Count which runs from February 14 through February 17. If you can’t join us at the marsh, please consider participating at home. Details can be found here: