West Rutland Marsh walk, January 23, 2025

Five intrepid birders set out to monitor the birds at West Rutland Marsh on January 23. Despite the 15-degree weather (fortunately no wind), we managed to tally 22 species.

Photo by Sue Elliott.

Most of the ‘usual suspects’ were noted with a relatively high count of four Hairy Woodpeckers. Two White-throated Sparrows were spotted at the feeders at the Marble Street boardwalk along with an American Tree Sparrow.

A Ruffed Grouse was flushed along Marble Street as we walked by. A Brown Creeper was seen not far from the intersection of Marble and Pleasant streets. Eleven American Robins were also spotted, a few feeding in the trees and others in flight.

The Whipple Hollow Trail was beautiful in the snow. Although relatively quiet with six species, we did manage to add a Red-breasted Nuthatch to the list. The second Red-tailed Hawk of the day was spotted as we entered the parking area to the trail.

Looking south from Pleasant Street. Photo by Sue Elliott.

A complete list of the day’s species can be found here: https://ebird.org/tripreport/323595

Our next marsh walk is scheduled for Saturday, February 15, meeting at 8 a.m. at the Marble Street boardwalk. That walk will be held in conjunction with the Great Backyard Bird Count which runs from February 14 through February 17. If you can’t join us at the marsh, please consider participating at home. Details can be found here: https://www.birdcount.org/

2024 Solstice Bird Count

Rutland County Audubon concluded 2024 with the annual Solstice Bird Count (formerly known as the Christmas Bird Count) on December 28. This was the 125th anniversary of the National Audubon count and Rutland’s 51st count. Twenty-seven observers scoured the count circle while six folks observed feeders at home. The results: 54 species plus one count week bird (count week = three days prior and the three days following count day).

Carolina Wren. Photo by Roy Pilcher.

Several highlights include two Merlins chasing each other and marking the first time we’ve reported more than one of this species on any count. A Wilson’s Snipe was seen along Otter Creek. This was the 23rd year it was reported on the Rutland count!

High counts for the year included American Robin at an astounding 1,532!

American Robin. Photo by Sue Elliott.

Evening Grosbeaks were observed this year after an absence last year with six reported in the field and one at a feeder.

Six Savannah Sparrows were observed in almost the same spot the species was seen 2023. This was a new high count for this species. Winter Wren also broke our record with four observed. And a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker made its fifth appearance in our count history.

A count week Belted Kingfisher was the final bird of the 2024 Solstice Bird Count.

Species Count (*new high count):

Canada Goose, 414

Wood Duck, 1

Mallard, 67

American Black Duck, 13

Green-winged Teal, 2*

Hooded Merganser, 1

Common Merganser, 3

Wild Turkey, 280

Rock Pigeon, 527

Mourning Dove, 329

Wilson’s Snipe, 1

Great Blue Heron, 2

Sharp-shinned Hawk, 2

Cooper’s Hawk, 8*

Bald Eagle, 2

Red-tailed Hawk, 23

Barred Owl, 4

Belted Kingfisher (count week), 1

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, 1

Red-bellied Woodpecker, 25*

Downy Woodpecker, 59

Hairy Woodpecker, 35

Pileated Woodpecker, 11

Northern Flicker, 5

American Kestrel, 1

Merlin, 2*

Peregrine Falcon, 1

Blue Jay, 271

American Crow, 528

Common Raven, 16

Black-capped Chickadee, 490

Tufted Titmouse, 143

Golden-crowned Kinglet, 3

White-breasted Nuthatch, 92

Red-breasted Nuthatch, 4

Brown Creeper, 4

Winter Wren, 4*

Carolina Wren, 23

European Starling, 1025

Eastern Bluebird, 49

American Robin, 1532*

Cedar Waxwing, 40

House Sparrow, 219

Evening Grosbeak, 7

House Finch, 67

Purple Finch, 2

American Goldfinch, 252

Snow Bunting, 60

American Tree Sparrow, 114

Dark-eyed Junco, 424

White-throated Sparrow, 19

Savannah Sparrow 6*

Song Sparrow, 4

Red-winged Blackbird, 10

Northern Cardinal, 160

West Rutland Marsh walk - November 2024

Some fall color remains in the hills above the marsh. Photo by Joel Tilley.

Six birders counted 21 species during the November monitoring walk around West Rutland Marsh. As expected, the number of species is dropping as autumn progresses with migration all but over.

Our only sparrow species was Dark-eyed Junco with small flocks observed along the walk. There have been no reports of American Tree Sparrow at the feeders at the Marble Street boardwalk yet. They should be here any time.

Two Wild Turkeys were spotted in the field at the corner of Whipple Hollow Road and Pleasant Street.

A single Eastern Bluebird was heard. There was a fairly high count of Mourning Doves (47). American Goldfinch was also well represented with 26 observed.

Female Hairy Woodpecker. Photo by Sue Elliott.

The Whipple Hollow Trail was fairly quiet with only six species counted in that area, including a Hairy Woodpecker. A Brown Creeper was spotted briefly.

Our next walk is scheduled for Saturday, December 14, at 8 a.m., meeting at the Marble St boardwalk.

A full list of the day’s walk can be found here: https://ebird.org/tripreport/290923

It’s “stick season” for the aspens, but the seed heads of the goldenrod in the meadow retain a subtle beauty. Photo by Sue Elliott.

Fall 2024 Bird Walks on the Slate Valley Trails System

Twenty-six birders came out on the five Tuesday morning bird (& flower & fern & tree & insect & …) walks this fall, jointly sponsored by RCAS and Slate Valley Trails. We saw a total of 57 species; the most abundant were 53 Black-capped Chickadees (yaaay! my favorite), 46 Blue Jays, and 23 White-breasted Nuthatches. A couple of highlights were a Fisher at Endless Brook and a Fox Sparrow at Castleton University trails. The crisp weather and colorful foliage were an added bonus.

Nessie? Sasquatch? This Fisher running up a tree at Endless Brook was well seen by us, but was too quick (and distant) for my photographic skills. Photo by Joel Tilley.

Many of the warblers common in spring and summer have left for their winter territories, but some are still present. Other species that breed in the far north or high elevations are passing through on migration (like the Fox Sparrow) or are arriving here to spend the winter, like the Dark-eyed Junco and the White-throated Sparrow.

The Fox Sparrow looks like a chunky red Song Sparrow. This one was hanging out with a flock of White-throated Sparrows on the Spartan Loop of the Castleton University trails. Photo by Joel Tilley.

Watch for the schedule of Spring walks, beginning in late April. In the meantime, there’s still lots to see on the trails in the winter!

Here’s the list of birds we saw. You can find links to the individual checklists for each trail at https://ebird.org/tripreport/284338.

10 Canada Goose

1 Wood Duck

3 Mallard

1 Ruffed Grouse

3 Rock Pigeon

5 Mourning Dove

1 Ruby-throated Hummingbird

1 Killdeer

1 Great Blue Heron

1 Sharp-shinned Hawk

1 Red-tailed Hawk

2 Belted Kingfisher

1 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

7 Red-bellied Woodpecker

12 Downy Woodpecker

4 Hairy Woodpecker

5 Pileated Woodpecker

5 Northern Flicker

6 Eastern Phoebe

7 Blue-headed Vireo

2 Red-eyed Vireo

46 Blue Jay

17 American Crow

2 Common Raven

53 Black-capped Chickadee

19 Tufted Titmouse

11 Ruby-crowned Kinglet

7 Golden-crowned Kinglet

23 White-breasted Nuthatch

10 Red-breasted Nuthatch

12 Brown Creeper

2 Carolina Wren

11 European Starling

8 Gray Catbird

7 Eastern Bluebird

14 American Robin

1 House Sparrow

13 American Goldfinch

1 Chipping Sparrow

1 Fox Sparrow

5 Dark-eyed Junco

12 White-throated Sparrow

8 Song Sparrow

1 Swamp Sparrow

3 Eastern Towhee

7 Red-winged Blackbird

2 Common Grackle

3 Black-and-white Warbler

5 Common Yellowthroat

1 American Redstart

1 Magnolia Warbler

1 Black-throated Blue Warbler

2 Pine Warbler

3 Yellow-rumped Warbler

2 Black-throated Green Warbler

5 Northern Cardinal

1 Rose-breasted Grosbeak

West Rutland Marsh walk - October 2024

Walking through the meadow on the Whipple Hollow Trail. Photo by Sue Elliott.

Thirteen birders enjoyed peak foliage during October’s monitoring walk around West Rutland Marsh. The sun was out, but a brisk wind probably kept many birds down. Nonetheless, we tallied 26 species.

Several skeins of Canada geese were spotted in their migratory Vs high up in the sky. Three Mallards were also seen in flight, not fooled by the decoys floating in the open water at the end of the boardwalk.

Many of the ‘marsh’ birds are gone, but we did hear three Swamp Sparrows. Other sparrows seen included White-throated Sparrows, a species seen in good numbers throughout the state this month, and Song Sparrows.

A good-sized flock of Dark-eyed Juncos was spotted along Whipple Hollow Road and a lone Purple Finch was at a feeder.

Two Northern Harriers were observed swooping over the marsh, one near the Marble Street boardwalk and the other off of Pleasant Street.

A full trip report can be found here: https://ebird.org/tripreport/283836

Fall foliage along the Whipple Hollow Trail. Photo by Sue Elliott.

West Rutland Marsh walk - July 2024

Seven birders joined our monthly walk around West Rutland Marsh on July 13. Despite our quicker pace than normal to beat the increasing heat, we tallied 49 species.

 Fewer individual birds were detected as singing has diminished a bit. Marsh Wrens were fairly quiet. No waterfowl were seen and a single wading bird, a Great Blue Heron, was flying over the marsh. Several Swamp Sparrows, probably family groups, were observed around the Marble Street boardwalk.

Swamp Sparrow on the Marble Street boardwalk. Photo by Joel Tilley.

 Willow and Alder flycatchers were singing, however, so we were able to clinch those identifications. And Eastern Kingbirds are still active. A single Yellow Warbler was seen.

Along the Whipple Hollow Trail. Photo by Sue Elliott.

 It was a bit of relief to reach the shady Whipple Hollow Trail where the birding was quite good. Two Canada Warblers were seen at the beginning of the first boardwalk. Other birds along the trail included a Winter Wren, a Wood Thrush, an Eastern Wood-Pewee, a Northern Waterthrush and two Pine Warblers, all singing.

Although they haven’t been heard singing recently, a male Canada Warbler was spotted foraging in the dense Hemlock and Cedar foliage along the Whipple Hollow Trail. Photo by Joel Tilley.

 Our next walk is scheduled for August 10 at 7 a.m.

 A list of the day’s birds can be found here: https://ebird.org/tripreport/259954

Castleton River at Pleasant Street. Photo by Sue Elliott.

Marsh Walk - May 16, 2024

Wow! Birding in May at West Rutland Marsh! Rutland County Audubon saw or heard 75 species at the marsh on May 16. Thirteen people gathered to enjoy the sights and sounds of the best time of the year at the marsh.

Morning mist over the marsh.

Nesting activities are underway. Canada geese are on nests, an Eastern Kingbird and a Swamp Sparrow were carrying nesting material, an Eastern Bluebird was carrying food for young and a Rose-breasted Grosbeak was spotted building a nest. And birds were singing everywhere, advertising for a mate or announcing their territory.

Thirteen warbler species were counted including several Tennessee Warblers, a species passing through and singing on its way. Other warbler species included Nashville, Magnolia and Blackburnian. Common Yellowthroats and Yellow Warblers were everywhere!

Raptors for the day were limited to a Merlin flying over Pleasant Street and an Osprey was spotted at the end of the walk.

The Whipple Hollow Trail was fairly quiet, but a Canada Warbler was singing at the beginning of the first boardwalk, its usual spot. And several Northern Waterthrush were heard at several points along the boardwalks. The plaintive ‘PEEaweee’ of the Eastern Wood-Pewee, one of our latest migrants, was heard. Yellow-throated Vireos and Purple Finches were also singing along the trail.

An eBird trip report with the complete list can be found here: https://ebird.org/tripreport/240217

Our next walk is scheduled for Thursday, June 13, at 7 a.m. meeting at the Marble Street boardwalk.

Marsh Walk - April 11, 2024 - *"A hundred million miracles...

…happen every day"*, and many of them happen right at the West Rutland Marsh. When we stepped out of our cars there on April 11, many of us heard the loud honking of Canada Geese on the water and the muted vocalizations of Bluebirds overhead, but underneath was a new sound, the "gik,gik,gik,godik" of the returning uncommon and elusive Virginia Rail, one of the birds that help this Marsh qualify as an Important Birding Area. Although few of us saw it, just hearing it and knowing it had returned from its journey south was awesome enough for us.

Canada Goose on nest, near Water St bridge. Photo by Ralph Nimtz.

As we proceeded up Marble Street, we were treated to the sight of two shiny Turkey Vultures, perched in low branches of a deciduous tree. Since we usually only see these vultures flying with wide V- spread wings, high overhead, this was VERY special and a great opportunity for photo taking. Further up the road, both the Golden-Crowned and Ruby-Crowned Kinglets, two sweet, pretty, little birds, called to us, adding to our enchantment. And then, the bird with the most complex melody sang out- the Winter Wren! Another gift of nature.

Crossing over to the Whipple Hollow Road, in the meadow at the end of the Whipple Hollow Trail, we spotted our first-of-year warblers, three Palm Warblers, whose bright golden feathers and rusty caps stood out from the grey, leafless branches. All of us were delighted to also see them pump their tail feathers, just as bird books say they do.

Palm Warbler, and early spring arrival, along the Whipple Hollow Trail. Photo by Joel Tilley.

Back on the road, at the top of White Pine trees and in the midst of a multitude of pine cones, where they could have easily been overlooked, were four Red Crossbills, busily feeding on conifer seeds and only allowing us quick glimpses of their red feathers and none of their crossed bills!

We returned to our cars and daily lives sated with beauty and marveling at our wealth on this, now rainy, early April day. (For our complete checklist, please see https://ebird.org/tripreport/222286)

Submitted by Kathleen Guinness

* Line of song from the musical, Flower Drum Song

Marsh Walk - March 16, 2024

     Our latest West Rutland Marsh monitoring walk was both amazing and exciting! Amazement arose at first because we knew immediately that many birds had already returned from migration and were in high numbers for this time of year. Excitement followed when we saw some species no one could recall ever having seen at the Marsh before.

      The band of ten birders set out in gloom and some low-hanging clouds, with temperatures in the mid to high thirties. Right from the start the voices of Song Sparrows, Cardinals, Titmice, and Red-winged Blackbirds filled the air and unusual spectacles unfolded: a Belted Kingfisher dove and a Wood Duck floated in the midst of nine Ring-necked Ducks. Soon after, while observing a large flock of honking Canada Geese flying over, we heard a strange call and spied the black-tipped white wings of many Snow Geese. Later, a smaller band of these geese flew over .

Canada Geese. Photo by Ralph Nimtz.

      By the time we had reached Whipple Hollow Road, we had already catalogued 36 species, which included not only the afore-mentioned, but some other show stoppers: Great Blue Heron, Pileated Woodpecker, Red Crossbill, Red-breasted Nuthatch, and Winter Wren .

         The Whipple Hollow Trail afforded Turkey Vultures, Golden-crowned Kinglets, and Northern Grouse, besides the glorious refreshment of evergreens and the many rich shades of green mosses. 

       Our 4.2 mile journey was a memorable one. Next month promises to be even more so.

See link below for a complete list of the 43 species we saw or heard, and consider joining us at the kiosk at 8 AM on April 11.


Song Sparrow. Photo by Ralph Nimtz.

Lake Bomoseen Hosts Another Unusual Winter Visitor

Even though most of Lake Bomoseen has been iced over for the past month or more, it has hosted a rare winter visitor, a Pied-billed Grebe, which has been seen mingling with Mallards at the portion of the lake with open water. Hearing this probably brings up questions for those unfamiliar with this water bird. You may ask, "Why Pied-billed?" As in the case of horses and other animals, the term refers to a multi-toned or blotchy coloration. This small bird has this in the wide, black band on its otherwise tan and white bill.

Pied-billed Grebe on Lake Bomoseen. Photo by Sue Elliott.

Another question you might ask is, "What is a Grebe?" Just as the Coot, which visited the lake last winter, was not a duck, neither is a Grebe. It is more akin to a Loon. Birds of both families are expert swimmers and divers (to which I can attest) and spend almost their entire lives on the water, except when nesting.

They both have legs set far back on their bodies, which allows great propulsion, but makes it awkward for them to walk on land. Also, Grebes have longer necks and smaller, rounder bodies than Loons. A Pied-billed Grebe is one of six Grebe species known as Podicipedidae and is the most frequently seen.

Why is this bird at Lake Bomoseen now? We will probably never know, but Grebes can be found throughout North America, but usually only in our area in the summer. Perhaps the milder winter brought him in or he somehow got thrown off course. Bays, ponds, and open water provide him with the aquatic vegetation, insects, and small fish he needs.

Our little Grebe has been spending his time in the open water at the mouth of Lake Bomoseen. He is solitary, as is customary for his ilk, but has been swimming with and near the Mallards that have congregated there and which seem to accept his presence there, as does the Muskrat which has been swimming nearby, too. None of us has heard him vocalize, but if he did, it would sound like gulping or cooing.

If you have a chance to look for this special visitor, don't let him see your shadow or you'll see how quickly he can submerge and how far he can swim underwater before coming up again! Nevertheless, getting a quick glimpse of this unusual winter visitor is worth the trip.

—by Kathleen Guinness

West Rutland Marsh - February 2024

Along Marble St. Photo by Sue Elliott.

Despite the snow, which fell for a good portion of our walk around West Rutland Marsh on February 17, we tallied 56 American Robins and 65 Red-winged Blackbirds They are not really predictions of spring as both species can be found in Vermont in winter if there is a food supply.

The feeders at the Marble Street boardwalk were busy with a high number of Mourning Doves sheltering in the old cellar hole. Black-capped Chickadees, American Tree Sparrows and White-throated Sparrows were taking advantage of the feeders.

The Whipple Hollow Trail was fairly quiet except for a small flock of chickadees, both Red-breasted and White-breasted Nuthatches and a Dark-eyed Junco feeding along the ‘pine island’ section.

A single Pine Siskin was heard along Whipple Hollow Road.

The next marsh walk is scheduled for Saturday, March 16, at 8 a.m.

Today’s species:

Rock Pigeon

Mourning Dove

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Downy Woodpecker

Blue Jay

American Crow

Common Raven

Black-capped Chickadee

Tufted Titmouse

White-breasted Nuthatch

Red-breasted Nuthatch

American Robin

Pine Siskin

American Goldfinch

American Tree Sparrow

Dark-eyed Junco

White-throated Sparrow

Red-winged Blackbird

Northern Cardinal

There is much less snow on the ground under the dense Eastern Hemlock canopy on “Pine Island.” Photo by Sue Elliott.

West Rutland Marsh – January 2024

Five RCAS members tallied 26 species on our monthly walk around West Rutland Marsh. Although Marble Street was icy, the Whipple Hollow Trail slushy and there was some fog, the weather was pleasant with temperatures in the upper 30s and no wind.

The ‘usual suspects’ were taking advantage of the feeders at the Marble Street boardwalk – Black-capped Chickadees, Dark-eyed Juncos, American Tree Sparrows and two White-throated Sparrows among others.

A large flock of Red-winged Blackbirds, around 100, was seen along Marble Street and later, presumably the same flock, along Pleasant Street. Nine American Robins were seen as well as two Golden-crowned Kinglets.

Ruffed Grouse tracks near boardwalk. Photo by Sue Elliott.

We saw Ruffed Grouse tracks along one of the Whipple Hollow Trail boardwalks.

Ruffed Grouse tracks. Photo by Sue Elliott.

Other highlights were Cedar Waxwings and Eastern Bluebirds in the meadow on the Whipple Hollow Trail and a single Purple Finch at a feeder on Whipple Hollow Road.

Next month’s walk will take place on Saturday, February 17, at 8 a.m. The walk is scheduled to coincide with the Great Backyard Bird Count, running from February 16 through February 19. Information about the count can be found here: https://www.birdcount.org/

Today’s list:


Rock Pigeon

Mourning Dove

Downy Woodpecker

Hairy Woodpecker

Pileated Woodpecker

Blue Jay

American Crow

Common Raven

Black-capped Chickadee

Tufted Titmouse

Golden-crowned Kinglet

White-breasted Nuthatch

Carolina Wren

European Starling

Eastern Bluebird

American Robin

Cedar Waxwing

House Sparrow

Purple Finch

American Goldfinch

American Tree Sparrow

Dark-eyed Junco

White-throated Sparrow

Red-winged Blackbird

Northern Cardinal

Castleton River at Pleasant St bridge. Photo by Sue Elliott.

2023 Christmas Bird Count

National Audubon’s 124th and Rutland County Audubon’s 50th Christmas Bird Count is in the books. On December 30, a mix of weather – fog, rain, snow – greeted the earlier birders. Fortunately, the day straightened out, at least a little, weatherwise. A total of 50 species was tallied.

Dark-eyed Junco

No field teams reported Wild Turkey! Fortunately, a feeder watcher reported five at her feeder. A single Ruffed Grouse was seen during the day.

Raptors for the day included Cooper’s Hawk, a record five Bald Eagles, Red-shouldered Hawk, Red-tailed Hawk, Barred Owl and a Merlin.

Although our species total was on the low side, there were some surprises. Three Common Yellowthroats and a Yellow-rumped Warbler were spotted. Two other species, Winter Wren and Red Crossbill added to the list of those, while not unheard of, but not expected, were seen. A higher number than usual of Red Crossbills have been reported across the state since this summer.

While not in record numbers, Golden-crowned Kinglet and Dark-eyed Juncos were reported by most if not all field teams. A large flock of Red-winged Blackbirds was reported along Otter Creek.

One Northern Shrike, one Great Blue Heron and two Belted Kingfishers helped round out the list.

A Peregrine Falcon, frequently perched on the steeple of Grace Congregational Church in Rutland, was spotted during count week (the three days prior and three days following the actual count day). This brought our CBC total up to 51. In the past few years, we have ranged between 48 and 54 species, count week birds included.

A delicious potluck supper was held at the Proctor Free Library where we counted down the day’s species list.

Thanks to all participants and to Kathleen Guinness for organizing the count!

The day’s list:

Canada Goose 823

Mallard 48

American Black Duck 8

Common Merganser 8

Wild Turkey 5

Ruffed Grouse 1

Rock Pigeon 491

Mourning Dove 109

Great Blue Heron 1

Cooper’s Hawk 4

Bald Eagle 5

Red-shouldered Hawk 1

Red-tailed Hawk 16

Barred Owl 4

Belted Kingfisher 2

Red-bellied Woodpecker 15

Downy Woodpecker 45

Hairy Woodpecker 23

Pileated Woodpecker 6

Merlin 1

Peregrine Falcon (count week)

Northern Shrike 1

Blue Jay 183

American Crow 635

Common Raven 33

Black-capped Chickadee 602

Tufted Titmouse 95

Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1

Golden-crowned Kinglet 27

Red-breasted Nuthatch 20

White-breasted Nuthatch 103

Brown Creeper 16

Winter Wren 2

Carolina Wren 16

European Starling 1044

Eastern Bluebird 42

American Robin 25

House Sparrow 92

House Finch 50

Purple Finch 9

Red Crossbill 5

Pine Siskin 277

American Goldfinch 134

American Tree Sparrow 132

Dark-eyed Junco 546

White-throated Sparrow 45

Song Sparrow 6

Red-winged Blackbird 150

Common Yellowthroat 3

Yellow-rumped Warbler 1

Northern Cardinal 95

Red-tailed Hawk

West Rutland Marsh Monthly Walk, December 7, 2023

Five participants enjoyed a chilly (but sunny and little wind!) morning at West Rutland Marsh on December 7. The number of species was about what we might expect for this time of year – 20 in all.

Few species including the only Red-breasted Nuthatch of the day were seen along the Whipple Hollow Trail. Nonetheless the trail was pretty with patches of snow along the way and coming out into the sunny meadow was a delight.

Elsewhere Black-capped Chickadees ruled the day with most busily feeding to keep up their energy reserves in the colder weather. Many were at the feeding station at the Marble Street boardwalk along with a single White-throated Sparrow and a single American Tree Sparrow. Other tree sparrows were seen along the route along with a handful of Dark-eyed Juncos.

Two skeins of Canada geese were spotted high overhead. Large numbers of migrating geese have been reported throughout the state over the past couple of days. A lone Mallard was seen in flight.

The full report can be found here: https://ebird.org/vt/tripreport/176933

Our next marsh walk is Thursday, January 25, at 8 a.m.

West Rutland Marsh Monthly Walk, September 16, 2023

Windy conditions thanks to Hurricane Lee and the whirring of a nearby helicopter checking the power lines made listening for birds a bit tricky for September’s walk around West Rutland Marsh. Nevertheless 13 observers tallied 28 species.

Warblers were in short supply, but a Magnolia Warbler was spotted just prior to 8 a.m. near the Marble Street boardwalk.

A high number of Cedar Waxwings was noted and the Gray Catbirds are still fairly easy to spot and hear.

The two raptor species were a Cooper’s Hawk and a Merlin.

Another highlight was two Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, a species that will be long gone by our October walk.

A complete list of what we saw can be found here: https://ebird.org/tripreport/158166

Our next walk is scheduled for Thursday, October 19 at 8 a.m.

West Rutland Marsh Monthly Monitoring Walk, August 26, 2023

Fourteen birders managed to duck the rain for Rutland County Audubon’s August walk around West Rutland Marsh. A total of 40 species was seen and/or heard.

One of the highlights was seeing and hearing Red Crossbills along Marble Street and then again along Pleasant Street. Red Crossbills are having a bit of an irruption this summer. They are being reported throughout Vermont and the northeast. More information about this irruption can be found at the Finch Research Network here.


Another observation of note was the number of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds – 15 in all! Hummingbirds are busy preparing for migration which will peak in early September. They can often be seen sipping nectar at Jewelweed or Touch-me-not (Impatiens capensis), a plant that is abundant this time year and important for hummingbirds as they begin their journey.

White Meadowsweet (Spirea alba) is abundant in the meadow along the Whipple Hollow Trail.

Although mixed flocks of warblers have been reported throughout the state as migration kicks off, our warbler species were limited to Black-and-white Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, American Redstart and Chestnut-sided Warbler, all breeders at the marsh along with a Canada Warbler that has been present along the Whipple Hollow Trail since spring.

High numbers of Gray Catbirds, Cedar Waxwings and American Goldfinches were noted.

An Eastern Wood-Pewee was singing away along Whipple Hollow Road. Other than a singing American Redstart, vocalizations were pretty much limited to call notes.

No raptors were observed although a few Turkey Vultures were spotted soaring over the ridge.

A complete report of all we saw can be found here: https://ebird.org/vt/tripreport/153583

Our next walk is scheduled for Saturday, September 16, with the start time now at 8 a.m.

The Castleton River after it flows under Pleasant St.

Birding Backpacks Provided for Libraries

Thanks to a grant from Hills and Hollows of Vermont Community Foundation, RCAS has been able to participate in a Backpack Sharing project. Through this, RCAS has purchased a backpack, two pairs of 8.5×32 binocs, a journal, and a Birds of Vermont guide for ten libraries in Rutland County. This is a project that has been sweeping the country and RCAS is pleased to be able to encourage those who might not have access to binoculars to experience the joy of learning about birds. We hope to provide more backpacks to other libraries in the future.


Pitz- aa! The sound explodes in the air and you look up just in time to glimpse a tiny bird darting through dense branches and (alas!) diving out of sight.

What was that? You probably didn't catch enough of the diminutive body to identify him, but that loud, splintery call gave him away. That was the Acadian Flycatcher which visited Sudbury for a few weeks, seemingly following the Otter Creek's flooding of Route 73 this past month and attracting birders from all over the state.

The ACFL is a relative of Vermont's more common flycatchers, such as the Willow, Alder, and Least, all members of the Tyrannidae or Tyrant Flycatcher family known for their fierce insect-catching prowess.

Acadian Flycatcher. Photo by Sue Wetmore.

The Acadian breeds in the Eastern US and Southern Canada in dense deciduous forests located near rivers, brooks, or other wetlands. He winters in sunnier climes, as far away as South America.

If seen up close, he has olive green uppers, a white breast, a distinct eye ring, and bold wing bars. Like a Hummingbird, he can hover and even fly backwards, making it easier for him to surprise his prey.

The ACFL's stay in Rutland County was too short, but long enough for many birders to now recognize that explosive call. If you should hear it, grab your binocs as fast as you can or you may not get a chance to go eyeball to eye ring with this amazing bird.

Kathleen Guinness, author

Photo by Sue Wetmore

Rutland County Audubon Annual Meeting

July 19, 2023

Rutland County Audubon will hold its Annual Meeting on Wednesday, July 19, 2023, at the Proctor Free Library in Proctor, Vermont at 6 p.m. We will begin with a potluck dinner, followed by the meeting, which includes the installation of officers.

All members and friends are invited to attend this, the 50th anniversary of RCAS. Dessert, beverages and utensils will be provided.

Please join us!