Marsh Wren, sex unknownFollowing Bird Diva Bridget Butler's October 1 talk on Female Birds & The Founding Mothers of Ornithology, RCAS held a Female Bird Walk, open to everyone, at the West Rutland Marsh on Sunday, October 17. Five people participated.
We began by talking about the visual, audible, and behavioral clues to identifying female birds of many species as well as the need for more research into female bird behavior (especially on their wintering grounds).
Out of 20 species observed including a very cooperative Marsh Wren, we were able to positively identify females in only two - a Northern Cardinal and a small flock of Red-winged Blackbirds. Fall is not the best time to do this, as immature males of many species resemble adult females as do some adult males. This event was a warm-up for a Spring Female Bird Walk next year, when it will be much easier to differentiate the sexes. Have a great winter of birding!