Thirteen birders, including visitors from Oregon and California, set out on RCAS’s monthly walk around West Rutland Marsh this morning. Today’s walk marks the beginning of our 19th year of monthly monitoring!
Forty-eight species were observed plus several alder/willow flycatchers whose true identities were unknown as they were all silent, not surprising at this time of year. Our average for August is 45 species with our high being 58 in 2015. Last year at this time we saw or heard 45.
Most of the ‘marsh birds’ have gone silent. A few swamp sparrows were seen and one sang briefly. Two yellow warblers, also silent, were seen. One adult male common yellowthroat was still feeding a youngster.
Ruby-throated HummingbirdWarblers included the above mentioned as well as a black-and-white warbler (singing), several American restarts and a chestnut-sided warbler.
A gray catbird was seen carrying food and a house wren was seen carrying food into a nesting cavity (a piece of equipment on a power pole).
Our only raptor was a northern harrier. No vultures were seen, but the morning was quite still and overcast.
Monarch caterpillarCedar waxwings and American goldfinches were everywhere. We also saw and/or heard eight ruby-throated hummingbirds. On past August walks, we have seen as many as 13. Red-eyed vireos were still singing in several spots and we saw one blue-headed vireo.
A black-billed cuckoo was heard in the distance.
On a non-avian note, several Monarch butterfly caterpillars were seen on milkweed. This is shaping up to be a good Monarch year.
Part of the walk was on our new trail, which you can read about here.
Our next walk is scheduled for Saturday, September 21, at 8 a.m. (note time change!).
Today's List: