RCAS Secretary Kathleen Guinness and her grandson Cameron lend a handToday was a beautiful day to be at West Rutland Marsh especially since it was a chance to give back to the birds. Each year the first Saturday in May is Green Up Day in Vermont. RCAS joined other community members to help clean up the marsh, an Important Bird Area.
The daunting (and sadly never-ending) task was made easier with perfect May weather and cheery green trash bags. Both old friends and new participants, all in good humor, were there to make the work lighter. Our thanks goes out to all of you!RCAS Co-president Marv Elliott shares a laugh with his new friend Olivia
Of course on such a day it is impossible to ignore the birds completely and sharp ears picked out the songs of Marsh Wrens, Yellow Warblers, Swamp Sparrows and even a Virginia Rail among others. It’s great to have them back!