Carmine Bee-Eater, a bird of AfricaEach year at the end of June, Rutland County Audubon celebrates the year's accomplishments with a potluck supper, the annual meeting, and a program. This year, as always, the food was good and so was the bird chatter.
We elected our officers and directors and the annual report and treasurer's report were reviewed. Thanks to Roy Pilcher for presenting his program African Safari: From Penguins to Pachyderms.
RCAS is proud of its achievements this past year. Some highlights:
- Mountain Top Farm easement: During the year RCAS became the owner of a conservation easement on 400+ acres overlooking the Chittenden Reservoir. This is the first such easement in the state with language specific to the preservation of bird habitat. We are seeking volunteers to monitor the boundaries and the bird populations.
- We continued monitoring efforts at locations including West Rutland Marsh, now in its tenth year, and the Pomainville Wildlife Management Area. All our observations are recorded on eBird so we know our efforts are providing valuable data for tracking bird populations. If you are interested in taking on a monitoring project, let us know!
- Continued our education efforts with Audubon Adventures for classrooms, after-school programs, and homeschoolers. We are always looking for volunteers to help spread the word of this award-winning program.
- Further developed our website with expanded birding hotspots and resources.
We have plenty of projects to carry out in the coming year. Our scope is only limited by finding the people to get things done. If you have time to help, please let us know!
Click here for the complete 2010-11 Rutland County Audubon Aannual Report.