Brown Pelican, one of the species being affected by the oil spillThe gulf oil crisis has been foremost in our minds for over two months now. National Audubon has been responding in every way possible including coordinating 15,000 volunteers in the gulf states and working on ways they can give direct help. Now our national organization has a message on how the rest of us can help: As part of our response to the oil spill, we suggest you contact a local Audubon Center, chapter, or similar nonprofit to volunteer your time and talents to help birds, especially ones that will be migrating south this fall.
We know Rutland County Audubon members want to help. We are concerned with the effects of this disaster on the birds that breed in our area and then fly south either through or to the gulf for winter. We are conducting bird-monitoring efforts (counting birds) in many areas in Rutland County and can always use more help. One good way to start is to participate in our monthly marsh walk. It is both a way to hone your bird identification skills and contribute to the database of bird populations. Another way is to contribute your bird sightings to eBird. To see just one example of how monitoring efforts can make a difference, click on this link at eBird.
We will do our best to get everyone involved in resolving this crisis.