Fred Bates picks up litter along Marble StreetOnce again RCAS members joined with other community volunteers to help clean up West Rutland Marsh, our county’s premier birding hotspot, on Vermont’s 47th annual Green Up Day. Thank you to everyone who participated!
While some the trash picked up is a bit humorous (odd pieces of clothing) or more run-of-the-mill litter such as fast food containers and beer cans, sometimes the trash is very harmful to the environment. During the day’s work, two large containers of hydraulic oil and two bottles of windshield wiper fluid with antifreeze.
Spring birdsong provided a cheerful background during the work. Common Yellowthroats are back in force as are Yellow Warblers. A Black-and-white Warbler, a Northern Waterthrush and a Blue-headed Vireo were also heard. A Wilson's Snipe was calling from one of the fields.